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November 2014: Interesting concepts

To be able to better understand the company’s work, here are some concepts of interest to the company’s activities.

  • NATURAL RESOURCES: are elements of nature that are useful to humans in the development of civilization, survival and comfort of society in general process. May be renewable, as the energy of the sun and wind. Already the water, the soil and the trees being considered limited, are called potentially renewable. And even non-renewable, such as oil and minerals in general.
  • SUSTAINABILITY: can be defined as the ability of human beings interact with the world, preserving the environment not to compromise the natural resources for future generations. The concept of sustainability is complex because it meets a set of interdependent variables, but we can say it must have the ability to integrate Social Issues, Energy, Economic and Environmental.
    • Social Issues: We need to respect the human being, so that it can respect nature. And from a human standpoint, he himself is the most important part of the environment.
    • Energy question: Without energy the economy does not grow. And if the economy does not develop, the conditions of living deteriorate.
    • Environmental issue: With the degraded environment, humans shortens their lifespan; the economy does not grow; the future is unsustainable.
  • SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: seeks to meet the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs, means enabling people now and in the future, achieve a satisfactory level of social and economic development and human achievement and cultural, doing at the same time, a reasonable use of land resources and preserving the species and natural habitats.
  • SELF-SUSTAINABILITY: ecology is a concept that defines the exploitation of natural resources on non-predatory basis. This means the implementation and rationalization of exploration projects so that:
    • Cause minimal impact on the surrounding environment, and the resources that are not directly used by the project.
    • Give time for nature to replenish renewable resources of interest to the project.
    • Are sufficient for the sustenance of the people involved and their families with dignity monetary return.
  • ENERGY EFFICIENCY: is the ratio between the amount of energy used in an activity and that available for its completion. The promotion of energy efficiency covers optimizing transformations, transport and use of energy resources from their primary sources to your advantage. They adopt as basic assumptions, maintaining the conditions of comfort, security and user productivity, contributing additionally to improving the quality of energy services and the mitigation of environmental impacts.
  • POWER SOURCE: is the source of energy, which is a natural resource that can provide the kind of energy determined man and his transforming substance. The nature, in certain circumstances, can provide natural resources give rise to a certain type of energy, including mechanical, electrical, thermal or chemical energy.
  • PRIMARY ENERGY: also known as a natural energy source, is a source of energy that exists naturally in nature and can generate power directly, these stand out as coal, oil and natural gas, hydropower, wind and solar, biomass, wave and geothermal.
    • Energy sources can be classified into renewable and non-renewable. Renewable energy are an endless source generating even be used by man, possessing the ability to regenerate naturally. Eg solar, hydro and wind, biomass, wave and geothermal. The sources of non-renewable energy such as petrochemical and nuclear fuel, are formed underground from the remains of animals and plants that took millions of years to turn into fuel. These can not be recovered quickly and their quantities become increasingly reduced with consumption by humans.
  • ENERGY SECONDARY: are transformed from the primary sources of energy, such as electricity, gasoline, diesel, tar, coal, steam and others that can be reused for any activity or production process.
  • COGENERATION: is a process where two forms are generated power at the same time. The most common type is the cogeneration of electricity and thermal energy (both heat and to cold), especially since the use of natural gas or biomass, cogeneration becomes an especially attractive to industries by combining economic and environmental benefits .
  • SYSTEMS ABSORPTION REFRIGERATION: refrigeration cycles are operated to heat, where a secondary or absorbent fluid in liquid phase is responsible for absorbing the primary or refrigerant, in vapor form. Refrigeration cycles operated heat are well defined, because the energy responsible for operating cycle is mostly thermal. Discovered in 1777 by the Scottish Nairn, the absorption refrigeration has the “parent” French Ferdinand Carré (1824-1900), who in 1859 patented the first absorption machine of continuous operation, using the ammonia-water pair. Hot water, steam (low pressure and high pressure) and combustion gases are some of the sources of heat used to operate absorption equipment, the thermal energy can be obtained from the following means:
    • Utilization of waste heat from industrial and commercial processes;
    • cogeneration;
    • Solar energy; and
    • Direct burning (biomass, biodiesel, natural gas, biogas).

All these ideas are taken into consideration in projects developed by Jacques Tombesi engineering, generating good ideas and sustainability.